How Many Wheels Are in the World 2022

How many wheels are there in the world? This may seem like an absurd and quite an irrelevant question to ask. But it all started with a simple and nonsensical comparison of doors vs wheels. The debate got viral on the internet and the whole world is now curious to know whether there are more doors in the world or wheels.

The door vs wheel trend is quite recent and started in March, 2022 when a guy named Ryan Nixon started a dumbest poll on Twitter and ended up receiving nearly 225K votes. Apparently, he was debating on the pointless topic and meaningless things with his friends which resulted in their getting interested in discussing door vs wheel.

This unique and irrelevant question and its answer may surprise you and the result of the poll was a tough call between the two sides. 53.6% of poll respondents said “wheels” and the rest voted for doors.  Do you think the result of the poll is correct? How many wheels are in the world? Let’s find out.

How Many Wheels are in the World? 

The population of the world is increasing and so is the need for use of transportation by different types of vehicles by the population. The increase in population has indirectly affected the increase of production of many things including wheels.

There has been a significant increase in the vehicle demand and production each year, which has also contributed to the increased number of wheels in the world. According to an estimate, there are over 37 billion wheels being used in different types of vehicles and other items.

However, it is really hard to estimate the exact number of wheels in the world but with a correct consideration of many factors, a near correct estimated number can be presented, which in this case is 37 billion wheels.

What do you think how many wheels are in the world estimate?

How Many Wheels are in Different Types of Vehicles? 

Estimating a correct number of wheels in the world is a difficult task which is only made more difficult with the fact that all vehicles do not use an equal number of wheels. For example, a motorbike uses only two wheels per vehicle which in contrast to a bus uses a lot less wheels.

These factors are very confusing and may only lead to uncertain estimations. However, we will discuss in detail how 37 billion wheels were calculated based on the number of vehicles sold and the number of wheels on them.

Types of Items Associated with Wheels

  • Cars

According to the estimating research and study conducted, the estimated total number of cars in the world right now is roughly around 1.446 billion. Basing our calculation on this figure,we can multiply it by the car’s number of wheels. Ideally, this figure needs to be multiplied by 4, but many cars also have more than four wheels.

Apart from the actual wheel on a vehicle that runs the transmission, we should also include the steering wheel in front of the driver’s seat. Thus, for an average number of 6 wheels on a vehicle to be multiplied by 1.446 billion cars, there might just be approximately 8.7 billion wheels in the world for car vehicles.

  • Bicycles and Motorcycles

Besides cars and large vehicles, bicycles and motorcycles are the second type that can be found in every part of the world. The wheels on bicycles and motorcycles contribute a figure of around 2 billion wheels to the world.

If we keep the figure simple and don’t include the gears, then we have simply multiplied the total number of bicycles and motorcycles in the world today which is around 1 billion and obtained the result of 2 billion wheels by calculating with their 2 wheels.

  • Toys

Still curious to know how many wheels are in the world?

When thinking about all the wheels in the world, toys are another factor to consider when we are at it. There is a huge number of  toys that have wheels. In any store at the children’s section, you could find toy cars, toddler’s carts and lego wheels all of which only concludes that there are billions of wheels in the toy industry as well.

Estimatedly, there are 24 billion toys that use wheels in the world. All this contributes to the total number of wheels in the world of which toys with wheels conducting 6 billion sales get multiplied by 4.

  • Other Items and Vehicles  

Furthermore, we have still have to talk about another place where we are bound to see numerous wheels that are not attached to any type of vehicle. With a surprising number of wheels all around the world we are bound to include 10 wheeler trucks, a 6-wheeler truck, food carts, shopping carts, trolleys and other vehicles.

The list of wheels using items can also include chairs that have caster wheels, wheelbarrows, a grocery cart and a lot of more different things that are useful in everyday life. Thus, after calculating all the vehicles and other items above, we can conclude that there are around 37 billion wheels in the world as the estimated amount..

Why Are People Curious to Know How Many Wheels Are in the World Estimate? 

What started as a simple and nonsensical debate between a bunch of friends about the quantity of doors and wheels, became a trend when Ryan Nixon, a Twitter user, used the platform to create a poll on his feed.

His poll got immense response form people all over the world and soon this small, meaningless poll on the social media platform became a huge sensation. The internet showed tremendous speed in catching up with this trend and soon many other platforms were brimming with the question ‘How many wheels are there in the world estimate?’

Are There More Wheels or Doors? 

Although the initial result of the poll was in favor of more wheels on the planet, but it is still an ongoing debate that has captivated a lot of attention of the youth. What are your opinions on the door vs wheel debate? How many wheels are there in the world? Share your opinions with us in the comments.

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