Electric traction systems are prevalent worldwide, with designs tailored to specific railways types and installation locations. The current landscape features an unprecedented abundance of electric railways traction systems.
The traction system necessitates the incorporation of a motor and the completion of the circuit. Electric traction systems ensure that all return circuits are grounded on the running track to achieve circuit completion.
To facilitate circuit completion, the introduction of a power management system became imperative. Additionally, return systems are requisite. Traction power systems encompass AC or DC power, regulation devices, shoes, and connections to return systems and the third rail.
Power systems and return systems work in tandem to complete the circuit. Energy is derived from various components within the train system. The power circuit is finalized by connecting brushes that rub against the axle ends. All systems are interconnected to the substation via wires.
These systems are adaptable to provide power to overhead trains, accommodate trains with multiple voltages, and implement transformer boosts for enhanced system efficiency. Locomotives can operate at different voltages, offering power options tailored to local conditions.
For further information on locomotive traction power systems, please reach out to our company.
For nearly half a century, Swartz Engineering has been at the forefront of industry safety. They are a family-owned company specializing in power distribution for the electrical industry. They are the leading manufacturer of Swartz trailers. Our design ensures maximum flexibility for excellent reliability and a high return on investment.